












Creation of the Conception of TNW

My stimulating wife, Marie-Christine, gave me a beautiful birthday present. A course in intuitive painting and the key to a transcendental world. From the beginning my painting came from the inside in connection with the universe. Above me painting "The Conception of the New World with my coat literally inside-out. My teachers were Dick Visser (1999-2002) and Willem Hesseling (2002 -2014). If one is interested in paintings, these are available.

Willem Hesseling

Willem was a master in cryptic clues. In 2002 he told me that I had to go searching my own yellow. This led to this healing painting in my Christmas break 2002-2003. I painted it with a large brush making large strokes in full harmony at my own home, not in the studio of Willem Hesseling. The painting is about becoming one, healing, as All is One. Jan Gouka, painter and historician at Gouda, told me the warm yellow reminded him of the colour of heaven from his trances in a Greek church.

I left Willem's class in 2014 after completion of The Conception of the New World. This painting was exhibited at "Binnenste-Buiten" "Inside-Out" in Gouda in 2014. It was also painted with my painters coat inside out. 

Anne Boonekamp

Anne Versteeg is a romantic colourful paintress. We met in the Agnietenconvent in Gouda in 2009 and I enjoyed painting with her once in a while in her studio built by her loving husband Niek Boonekamp.  A small paradise at the Wethouder Venteweg 74, Gouda, where you can view and buy her beautiful paintings : For sales information call or contact Anne (T 0031182525247 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.) or she can work on assignment. See "Butterflies".


images banners Butterflies II 2017

Intuitive painting workshops

God does not play dice

Once in a while I organise intuitive painting workshops in my backyard for friends. It is a wonderful way to further connect and to stimulate the painter in everybody. Everybody can paint from the inside in connection with the universe!